I’m trying to set up a sensible web presence- starting with this blog, but also through DeviantArt, and Etsy. I plan to have some items available for sale as soon as I am finished with an opportunity coming in November.
Pipecleaner Creations at DeviantArt:http://derangedarchivist.deviantart.com/
Pipecleaner Creations at Etsy:http://pipecleanercreations.etsy.com(nothing’s here yet, but this will change)
I’ve also set up a Flickr page, to feed images of recent creations to this blog.
Over the years I’ve made many things, and given them away. I want to have some sort of archive of the things I’ve made, so in the future I will take a picture of each thing I make before I let it out of my hands.
Unless it’s ugly. Or I forget.