So whether you are a scientist, gamer, or whatever, dragons are just plain cool. Good thing they were always my favorite thing to make. Heheh.
One side effect of this, though, is that I wind up making an awful lot of the same thing. None are identical, each one a little different from the last, and I'd like to believe I refine the technique each time, but it's a strange line to walk. Sometimes I am an artist, making original sculptures. And sometimes I am a toymaker, asked to make the same popular toy over and over. Which is fine, as long as it remains fun for me to make them, and I seriously doubt dragons will stop being fun anytime soon. (Sports team mascots may be a different story though- I just finished making three of the same mascot in a row, and I'm fine with stopping that one for a bit.)
I've tried to catch a picture of each creature I make, but many got away from me unphotographed. However, I've still got a fair number of photos, which I'll be posting over the next while, along with my thoughts about the experience each entailed.